Written by: Kevin Price
June 29, 2022
Where is the Noble Man? The Man who helps his fellow man, the Man who considers every Man to be more important than he, the Man who reflects the nature of his creator, the Man who loves his wife and children, the Man who is a hard worker, the Man who raises his son to be a Noble Man, the Man who raises his daughter to show her what kind of Man she should marry, the Man who is the Authority figure within the home, the Man who leads his family, the Man who serves in his local Church, the Man who loves his in laws, the Man who teaches his children, the Man who discerns evil, the Man studies life to acquire Knowledge, the Man who studies life to acquire Wisdom, the Man who listens to other Men who are Wiser than he, the Man who knows his God-given purpose, the Man who cares for his Mother, the Man who respects his Father, the Man who is patient, the Man who forgives his enemy, the Man who doesn't fear trouble, the Man who doesn't let anger control him, the Man who keeps the secrets of his friends, the Man who doesn't spread rumors, the Man who disciplines his children, the Man who gives his children confidence, the Man who keeps promises, the Man who protects his family, the Man who is fiathful to his wife, the Man who congratulates accomplishments, the Man who longs for Heaven, the Man who teaches what is true, the Man who isn't afriad to walk alone, the Man who walks with confidence, the Man who is not selfish, the Man who shows hospitality, the Man who endures hardship, the Man who is always grateful, the Man who confesses his sin, the Man who doesn't believe lies, the Man who leaves an inheritance for his children, the Man who makes much of a little, the Man who is content, the Man who is honorable, the Man who listens, the Man who doesn't compare himself to others, the Man who is trustworthy, the Man who pays his debt, the Man who respects authority, the Man who has his own, the Man who takes care of his body, the Man who laughs with his children, the Man who speaks truth even if it means death, the man who ignores fools, the Man who enjoys life, the Man who shares his food, the Man who doesn't give up, the Man who sees hope, the Man who gives wise advice, the Man who plans, the Man who let's God direct him, where is the Noble Man?