Most of us were taught to make our beds at a young age, as kids, this may have been an annoying task. But did this prepare us for the future?
Written by: Kevin Price
March 5, 2022
Many things our parents made us do as children seemed (at least for me) dry, boring, and uninteresting. It was the same thing every morning: "make your bed". This was very repetitive and became somewhat of a tradition. What I'm going to do here though is list 3 ways that this actually prepared us for adulthood. Here they are:
1) Taught us Priorities
As kids, we knew this marked the start of our day. This is the first task we were given, and it had to be completed in order for everything to feel like it was running smooth. This is almost like laying a foundation before you build a house. when we reach adulthood, were given all sorts of tasks to complete. Often times, theses tasks are ranked by importance, and you take care of the important tasks first. I believe making our beds helps us to determine this.
2) Taught us to be Responsible
This is similar to the first point, but this more so is the fact that were given something to do in the first place. This is something that were responsible for. If the task isn't completed, no one else is to blame but us. When we reach adulthood, we become responsible for many things. When we enter the workforce, were given assignments to complete by our superiors. As children, our parents are the superiors. Being given instruction by our parents actually prepared us for the real world.
3) Taught us to respect Leadership
There will always come a time in our lives where we must submit to authority. When we were taught to make our beds as kids, this was the start of learning to respect the leadership of our parents. Having to be lead is something that will always be apart of #life. There will always be someone who has a higher position in authority than we do, learning this early on, actually prepares us for submission to leadership.